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Thursday, January 25, 2007
Update from FMX-er Busty Wolter
After some time of lazynes ... ahem, I mean relaxing... now it is time for my first newsletter of the year.
After I got home on the 23rd of December it was time to refill my batteries and leave the bike in the garage. My body needed more than 2 weeks of relaxation to regain it’s full energy load. But the good thing about it is: now I am ready to go wide open again!
My FMX year started with the SX in Dortmund, which is one of the biggest in Germany and as usual one of the highlights all year long. The FMX show was starring a couple of good riders,
namely Mike Mason and Adam Jones (there we have 2 of 3 X Games medalists),
viceworldchampion (wow, what a title) Libor Podmol, Fab Bauersachs, Jimmy Verburgh and myself (no important FMX titles in 2006). The crowd went nuts on all three days and it was hard to hear our engines since they were cheering us on so loud.
In Dortmund I signed a new deal and I will be wearing Fox gear, helmets and boots from now on. A big thank you goes out for all the great support in the past to Shoei, Alpinestars and Oakley (but I will go on wearing the bling bling Oakley goggles). THANKS!
Since awards and pricegivings are much needed, the FMX Awards got installed. So please go to www.fmxawards.com and vote for me, I could need some more voices in Germanys best FMX athlete category.
In the meantime I have started my own Myspace website, so check out
www.myspace.com/bustywolter and add me as a friend.
Tomorrow I will leave for a 3-week long trip to New Zealand. First I will hang out and practice at Nick Franklins place, then I will compete at the Vodafone X Air, one of the biggest freestyle sports contests over there. Let’s see how I can handle being upside down on the other side of the world...
Ride on!
Next Events:
08.-10.02.2007 Vodafone X Air, Wellington / NZ ww.w.vodafonexair.co.nz
22.02.2007 IFMXF WM, Liberec / CZ www.ifmxf.com
24.-25.02.2007 Masters of Dirt, Graz / A www.mastersofdirt.com
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Today marked the one year anniversary of Jeff Alessi's 2006 season ending crash, which took away his ability to walk for most of last season. 365 days, and three surgeries later Jeff retraced his roots, and competed and was victorious in the opening round of the CMC Golden State nationals, at perhaps the nation's premier race track Glen Helen cycle park. Good to see you shred again Jeff!
Universal New Year

Yo yo yo, it's 2007 already and we are crankin. I am going to go on a little rant about all of the new cool stuff we have from Products to Rider Sponsorship to New Employees, so sit tight and prepared to be wowed!
For the new year we will be rolling out our highly anticipated T-7075 Halo Sprockets and case hardened Magnum c/s sprockets. Both of these items have been thoroughly tested by the Universal squad and have proven at the track to last 30-40% longer than several of our leading competitors. Due to the multiple facets and holes cut into the sprocket they weigh within about 10 grams of the manufacturers as well. Pretty damn cool! Other items we are introducing are new two-tone color bars, bar bends, a few signature Brian Deegan products, and the Samson Bed Rack in white which you got a glance at right here on Vital MX about a month ago.
We have increased our rider promotions as well and have never had a stronger amateur and professional support program than we do now. Brian Deegan, Blake "Bilko" Williams, Matt Buyten, and Jeremy Lusk will be our front runners in freestyle while Dennis Jonon, Kevin Rookstool, Billy Swapp, and Derek Costella will lead our SX/MX program. Les Smith, Taylor Futrell, Alisa Nix, Eric Line, and Kyle Engle will be looking to capture several titles this year at the amateur national while representing the Solex and Deuce handlebar lines.
As far as employment goes, we have added the "Jackle" as our new CSR/Spelling Be Champion/Dog Trainer/Viral Marketing Manager. Besides letting her dogs crap all over the office she has been doing great and is a true asset to the program. Mike D. remains Dark Overlord of Universal, while Smitty holds down Domestic sales, and Erik acts as Chinese Translator/Product Samurai.
That's what we got, so peace out MX fans!
Mike D. and the Universal Posse
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Glamis playtime on a quad...

Pro Quad racer, Cyle Chislock had a little fun out at the Glamis dunes showing off not only his skill on a 4 wheeler, but his trust in his Universal bars and controls as well. We realize that most of Universals support comes from the MX community but we love to see guys going big whether it is 2 wheels or 4. The jump pictured was estimated at approximately 130'. Enjoy the pics, and of course we would not disappoint our loyal followers and have included a gratuitous hot girl... would you expect any less from us?
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Universal @ A1
Besides Universal Being Represented by Red Bull KTM, All American KTM and a bunch of other top privateers we will be throwing down in the parking lot. Smitty and Big Jay have organized the first Universal Parking Lot Party which will be the first of many. Bring your Carne Asada, Burgers, and Cold Drinks to the marked area on the map and you will see the staff raising hell, talking shit, and pit racing before the start of the 2007 Amp’d Mobile Supercross Season.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
2007 Top Clamps!
Now that the holiday season is over, we are sure you are ready to hit the tracks. When you picked up your new bike, the first question in your mind may have been... will Universal have clamps available for my bike early in '07? Yes! Check the list below for the part number and contact Smitty to get yours on the way. Be sure to specify if you are running Deuce (7/8), or Solex (1 1/8) bars.
2007 Honda CRF 250,450 / CR 125,250 - 1025-10-01xx
2007 Kawasaki KX 250F - 1025-20-06xx
2007 Kawasaki KX 450F - 1045-20-06xx
2007 Kawasaki KX 125,250 - 1025-20-03xx
2007 Suzuki RMZ 450 - 1045-30-05xx
2007 Yamaha YZF 250,450 / YZ 125,250 - 1025-40-06xx
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August 2005
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