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Monday, January 30, 2006
Fabian Bauersachs on the Kawasaki
When you want to ride and there's snow outside, you got to find a solution. With no indoor spots around, this means you have to pack the van and drive down South until the temparature gets comfortable. For German Universal MX rider Fabian Bauersachs this means spending hours and hours behind the wheel until he reached Spain. That's where the new Kawa got unloaded and the riding was on for the next 10 days. Here is a picture of Fab in the Spanish blue sky. Ariba.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Universal stands in the office
We came to find out that the Beaverton Honda sales staff in Oregon uses Universal stands not only for bikes, but during their meetings as well. With the Universal Monocoque being the best stand on the market, it makes sense that they would use it to hold the most expensive of equipment to help ensure its safety.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Dirty Hairys Backyard Bonanza

There are things that happen in the MX industry that are not readily available to the public and are considered 'industry only'... then there are events that happen like last night that are 'invite only'. Universals Mike D teamed up with Launi D to create a special event that was attended by some of the most recognizable names in the industry. Chad Reed, Ryan Highes are only a couple of names in attendance to witness Mitchel Alcorn put it to Dave Pingree, Josh Grant and many others. It was a good time had by all. My attempt to wall ride the fence on lap 1 could have easily been mistaken for a crash, but pulling technical tricks was not an option so I opted to go for the basic wallride. Universal was represented well as you can see.
Thanks guys.
Vote for Universal FMX riders
Over in Germany our freestyle MX riders Busty Wolter and Fab Bauersachs won first and second place at the 2005 German FMX championships. Now they are both nominated for Freestyle rider of the year by Moto-X magazine. Vote for Busty or Fab and have a chance to win cool stuff from the Moto-X crew. Vote by going to this link: http://www.motoxmag.de/award2005/award_abstimmung.php
Learn more about the FMX riders by going to their homepages:
Fabian Bauersach's website: www.bauairsucks.de
Sebastian "Busty" Wolter's website: www.airwastl.de
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Everything is for sale...
Erik, our illustrious product designer has decided he doesn't get enough attention these days so he decided to put himself on eBay. If you want to sponsor him in the stock class at the Mini Moto MX Nationals in Las Vegas, May 5th. He'll wear any suit the winner wants, but gets to keep it after the event. He's hoping for a chicken suit or giant banana or something, but the guys around the shop here have other ideas, and we're pooling our money...
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