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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Universal 2006 CRF250 Clamps!
You can now outfit your '06 CRF250 with both upper and lower Universal clamps for increased performance and take advantage of our 20mm of bar adjustability.
- 1426-10-0418 (stock offset)
- 1421-10-0118 (20mm offset)
- 1423-10-0118 (22mm offset)
Talk to your local dealer or buy direct from our website here.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Pastrana nails the double backflip on dirt!!

Well, we all knew that one day it would happen.
Nice job Travis. When you are ready to upgrade to Universal bars and clamps, give us a call.
Click photo to see clip.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Customer Service with a Smile...
Just a little letter from a consumer spreading some love Rico's way since he did such a stellar job hooking the guy up. Good work Rico, I guess we'll keep you around afterall...
From: **@****.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:52 AM
To: rico@universalmotocross.com
Rico thanks for your help with the replacement parts. People like you and companies like Universal really help families to continue enjoying the sport. It’s great to find companies and individuals that stand behind their product.
I am now one of Universals biggest fans and when it comes time to upgrade from stock or replace parts, I will look to Universal first.
Thanks again.
A. J.
Senior Vice President - Development
Monday, October 10, 2005
Busty Flips Out in Switzerland

From out friend Bart in Holland comes this news from Switzerland...
While in Switzerland we met up with Sebastian "Busty" Wolter who was one of the 8 invited freestyle motocross riders for the annual Freestyle.ch event in Zurich, Switzerland. Ronnie Renner, Matt Rebaut and Nate Adams were some of the other invited riders so the level of the comp was sky high. The ramp set-up was a long jump and a kicker too with a big dirt landing. Nate Adams and Matt Rebaut made flips look easy and did tons of variations. Universal MX rider Busty Wolter was the first German to flip a dirtbike and used the kicker ramp to go upside down. It wasn't Busty's contest though as two dead sailors don't really help beating Swiss' Matt Rebaut as they went head to head in the knock-out format. Here's the comment from Busty:
"Not much to tell, was not my weekend. And I guess best trick contests are not made for me..."
For a quick animation of the backflip, click here
To see more of Busty Wolter click here
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